Interpret Complex Linear Models with SHAP within Seconds

A linear model with complex interaction effects can be almost as opaque as a typical black-box like XGBoost.

XGBoost models are often interpreted with SHAP (Shapley Additive eXplanations): Each of e.g. 1000 randomly selected predictions is fairly decomposed into contributions of the features using the extremely fast TreeSHAP algorithm, providing a rich interpretation of the model as a whole. TreeSHAP was introduced in the Nature publication by Lundberg and Lee (2020).

Can we do the same for non-tree-based models like a complex GLM or a neural network? Yes, but we have to resort to slower model-agnostic SHAP algorithms:

In the limit, the two algorithms provide the same SHAP values.

House prices

We will use a great dataset with 14’000 house prices sold in Miami in 2016. The dataset was kindly provided by Prof. Steven Bourassa for research purposes and can be found on OpenML.

The model

We will model house prices by a Gamma regression with log-link. The model includes factors, linear components and natural cubic splines. The relationship of living area and distance to central district is modeled by letting the spline bases of the two features interact.


raw <- OpenML::getOMLDataSet(43093)$data

# Lump rare level 3 and log transform the land size
prep <- raw %>%
    structure_quality = factor(structure_quality, labels = c(1, 2, 4, 4, 5)),
    log_landsize = log(LND_SQFOOT)

# 1) Build model
xvars <- c("TOT_LVG_AREA", "log_landsize", "structure_quality",
           "CNTR_DIST", "age", "month_sold")

fit <- glm(
  SALE_PRC ~ ns(log(CNTR_DIST), df = 4) * ns(log(TOT_LVG_AREA), df = 4) +
    log_landsize + structure_quality + ns(age, df = 4) + ns(month_sold, df = 4),
  family = Gamma("log"),
  data = prep

# Selected coefficients:
# log_landsize: 0.22559  
# structure_quality4: 0.63517305 
# structure_quality5: 0.85360956   

The model has 37 parameters. Some of the estimates are shown.


The workflow of a SHAP analysis is as follows:

  1. Sample 1000 rows to explain
  2. Sample 100 rows as background data used to estimate marginal expectations
  3. Calculate SHAP values. This can be done fully in parallel by looping over the rows selected in Step 1
  4. Analyze the SHAP values

Step 2 is the only additional step compared with TreeSHAP. It is required both for SHAP sampling values and Kernel SHAP.

# 1) Select rows to explain
X <- prep[sample(nrow(prep), 1000), xvars]

# 2) Select small representative background data
bg_X <- prep[sample(nrow(prep), 100), ]

# 3) Calculate SHAP values in fully parallel mode
plan(multisession, workers = 6)  # Windows
# plan(multicore, workers = 6)   # Linux, macOS, Solaris

system.time( # <10 seconds
  shap_values <- kernelshap(
    fit, X, bg_X = bg_X, parallel = T, parallel_args = list(.packages = "splines")

Thanks to parallel processing and some implementation tricks, we were able to decompose 1000 predictions within 10 seconds! By default, kernelshap() uses exact calculations up to eight features (exact regarding the background data), which would need an infinite amount of Monte-Carlo-sampling steps.

Note that glm() has a very efficient predict() function. GAMs, neural networks, random forests etc. usually take more time, e.g. 5 minutes to do the crunching.

Analyze the SHAP values

# 4) Analyze them
sv <- shapviz(shap_values)

sv_importance(sv, show_numbers = TRUE) +
  ggtitle("SHAP Feature Importance")

sv_dependence(sv, "log_landsize")
sv_dependence(sv, "structure_quality")
sv_dependence(sv, "age")
sv_dependence(sv, "month_sold")
sv_dependence(sv, "TOT_LVG_AREA", color_var = "auto")
sv_dependence(sv, "CNTR_DIST", color_var = "auto")

# Slope of log_landsize: 0.2255946
diff(sv$S[1:2, "log_landsize"]) / diff(sv$X[1:2, "log_landsize"])

# Difference between structure quality 4 and 5: 0.2184365
diff(sv$S[2:3, "structure_quality"])
SHAP Importance: Living area and the distance to the central district are the two most important predictors. The month (within 2016) impacts the predicted prices by +-1.3% on average.
SHAP dependence plot of “log_landsize”. The effect is linear. The slope 0.22559 agrees with the model coefficient.
Dependence plot for “structure_quality”: The difference between structure quality 4 and 5 is 0.2184365. This equals the difference in regression coefficients.
Dependence plot of “living_area”: The effect is very steep. The more central, the steeper. We cannot easily compare these numbers with the output of the linear regression.


  • Interpreting complex linear models with SHAP is an option. There seems to be a correspondence between regression coefficients and SHAP dependence, at least for additive components.
  • Kernel SHAP in R is fast. For models with slower predict() functions (e.g. GAMs, random forests, or neural nets), we often need to wait a couple of minutes.

The complete R script can be found here.


3 responses to “Interpret Complex Linear Models with SHAP within Seconds”

  1. […] Michael Mayer answers a question: […]

  2. […] Interpret Complex Linear Models with SHAP within Seconds – Michael’s and Christian’s B… […]

  3. […] this recent post, we have explained how to use Kernel SHAP for interpreting complex linear models. As plotting […]

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