Category: Statistics

  • A Curious Fact on the Diamonds Dataset

    Lost in Translation between R and Python 5

    Hello regression world

    This is the next article in our series “Lost in Translation between R and Python”. The aim of this series is to provide high-quality R and Python 3 code to achieve some non-trivial tasks. If you are to learn R, check out the R tab below. Similarly, if you are to learn Python, the Python tab will be your friend.

    The last two included a deep dive into historic mortality rates as well as studying a beautiful regression formula.

    Diamonds data

    One of the most used datasets to teach regression is the diamonds dataset. It describes 54’000 diamonds by

    • their price,
    • the four “C” variables (carat, color, cut, clarity),
    • as well as by perspective measurements table, depth, x, y, and z.

    The dataset is readily available, e.g. in

    • R package ggplot2,
    • Python package plotnine,
    • and the fantastic OpenML database.

    Question: How many times did you use diamonds data to compare regression techniques like random forests and gradient boosting?

    Answer: Probably a lot!

    The curious fact

    We recently stumbled over a curious fact regarding that dataset. 26% of the diamonds are duplicates regarding price and the four “C” variables. Within duplicates, the perspective variables table, depth, x, y, and z would differ as if a diamond had been measured from different angles.

    In order to illustrate the issue, let us add the two auxilary variables

    • id: group id of diamonds with identical price and four “C”, and
    • id_size: number of rows in that id

    to the dataset and consider a couple of examples. You can view both R and Python code – but the specific output will differ because language specific naming of group ids.

    # We add group id and its size
    dia <- diamonds %>% 
      group_by(carat, cut, clarity, color, price) %>% 
      mutate(id = cur_group_id(),
             id_size = n()) %>% 
      ungroup() %>% 
    # Proportion of duplicates
    1 - max(dia$id) / nrow(dia)  # 0.26
    # Some examples
    dia %>% 
      filter(id_size > 1) %>%
    # Most frequent
    dia %>% 
      arrange(-id_size) %>% 
    # A random large diamond appearing multiple times
    dia %>% 
      filter(id_size > 3) %>% 
      arrange(-carat) %>% 
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    from import diamonds
    # Variable groups
    cat_vars = ["cut", "color", "clarity"]
    xvars = cat_vars + ["carat"]
    all_vars = xvars + ["price"]
    print("Shape: ", diamonds.shape)
    # Add id and id_size
    df = diamonds.copy()
    df["id"] = df.groupby(all_vars).ngroup()
    df["id_size"] = df.groupby(all_vars)["price"].transform(len)
    df.sort_values("id", inplace=True)
    print(f'Proportion of dupes: {1 - df["id"].max() / df.shape[0]:.0%}')
    print("Random examples")
    print(df[df.id_size > 1].head(10))
    print("Most frequent")
    print(df.sort_values(["id_size", "id"]).tail(13))
    print("A random large diamond appearing multiple times")
    df[df.id_size > 3].sort_values("carat").tail(6)
    Table 1: Some duplicates in the four “C” variables and price (Python output).
    Table 2: One of the two(!) diamonds appearing a whopping 43 times (Python output).
    Table 3: A large, 2.01 carat diamond appears six times (Python output).

    Of course, having the same id does not necessarily mean that the rows really describe the same diamond. price and the four “C”s could coincide purely by chance. Nevertheless: there are exactly six diamonds of 2.01 carat and a price of 16,778 USD in the dataset. And they all have the same color, cut and clarity. This cannot be coincidence!

    Why would this be problematic?

    In the presence of grouped data, standard validation techniques tend to reward overfitting.

    This becomes immediately clear having in mind the 2.01 carat diamond from Table 3. Standard cross-validation (CV) uses random or stratified sampling and would scatter the six rows of that diamond across multiple CV folds. Highly flexible algorithms like random forests or nearest-neighbour regression could exploit this by memorizing the price of this diamond in-fold and do very well out-of-fold. As a consequence, the stated CV performance would be too good and the choice of the modeling technique and its hyperparameters suboptimal.

    With grouped data, a good approach is often to randomly sample the whole group instead of single rows. Using such grouped splitting ensures that all rows in the same group would end up in the same fold, removing the above described tendency to overfit.

    Note 1. In our case of duplicates, a simple alternative to grouped splitting would be to remove the duplicates altogether. However, the occurrence of duplicates is just one of many situations where grouped or clustered samples appear in reality.

    Note 2. The same considerations not only apply to cross-validation but also to simple train/validation/test splits.


    What does this mean regarding our diamonds dataset? Using five-fold CV, we will estimate the true root-mean-squared error (RMSE) of a random forest predicting log price by the four “C”. We run this experiment twice: one time, we create the folds by random splitting and the other time by grouped splitting. How heavily will the results from random splitting be biased?

    library(splitTools) # one of our packages on CRAN
    # We model log(price)
    dia <- dia %>% 
      mutate(y = log(price))
    # Helper function: calculate rmse
    rmse <- function(obs, pred) {
      sqrt(mean((obs - pred)^2))
    # Helper function: fit model on one fold and evaluate
    fit_on_fold <- function(fold, data) {
      fit <- ranger(y ~ carat + cut + color + clarity, data = data[fold, ])
      rmse(data$y[-fold], predict(fit, data[-fold, ])$pred)
    # 5-fold CV for different split types
    cross_validate <- function(type, data) {
      folds <- create_folds(data$id, k = 5, type = type)
      mean(sapply(folds, fit_on_fold, data = dia))
    # Apply and plot
    (results <- sapply(c("basic", "grouped"), cross_validate, data = dia))
    barplot(results, col = "orange", ylab = "RMSE by 5-fold CV")
    from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
    from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score, GroupKFold, KFold
    from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer, mean_squared_error
    import seaborn as sns
    rmse = make_scorer(mean_squared_error, squared=False)
    # Prepare y, X
    df = df.sample(frac=1, random_state=6345)
    y = np.log(df.price)
    X = df[xvars].copy()
    # Correctly ordered integer encoding
    X[cat_vars] = X[cat_vars].apply(lambda x:
    # Cross-validation
    results = {}
    rf = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=500, max_features="sqrt", 
                               min_samples_leaf=5, n_jobs=-1)
    for nm, strategy in zip(("basic", "grouped"), (KFold, GroupKFold)):
        results[nm] = cross_val_score(
            rf, X, y, cv=strategy(), scoring=rmse,
    res = pd.DataFrame(results.items())
    sns.barplot(x=0, y=1, data=res);
    Figure 1: Test root-mean-squared error using different splitting methods (R output).

    The RMSE (11%) of grouped CV is 8%-10% higher than of random CV (10%). The standard technique therefore seems to be considerably biased.

    Final remarks

    • The diamonds dataset is not only a brilliant example to demonstrate regression techniques but also a great way to show the importance of a clean validation strategy (in this case: grouped splitting).
    • Blind or automatic ML would most probably fail to detect non-trivial data structures like in this case and therefore use inappropriate validation strategies. The resulting model would be somewhere between suboptimal and dangerous. Just that nobody would know it!
    • The first step towards a good model validation strategy is data understanding. This is a mix of knowing the data source, how the data was generated, the meaning of columns and rows, descriptive statistics etc.

    The Python notebook and R code can be found at:

  • A Beautiful Regression Formula

    Lost in Translation between R and Python 4

    Hello statistics aficionados

    This is the next article in our series “Lost in Translation between R and Python”. The aim of this series is to provide high-quality R and Python 3 code to achieve some non-trivial tasks. If you are to learn R, check out the R tab below. Similarly, if you are to learn Python, the Python tab will be your friend.

    The last one was a deep dive into historic mortality rates.

    No Covid-19, no public data for a change: This post focusses on a real beauty, namely a decomposition of the R-squared in a linear regression model

    E(y) = \alpha + \sum_{j = 1}^p x_j \beta_j

    fitted by least-squares. If the response y and all p covariables are standardized to variance 1 beforehand, then the R-squared can be obtained as the cross-product of the fitted coefficients and the usual correlations between each covariable and the response:

    R^2 = \sum_{j = 1}^p \text{cor}(y, x_j)\hat\beta_j.

    Two elegant derivations can be found in this answer to the same question, written by the number 1 contributor to crossvalidated: whuber. Look up a couple of his posts – and statistics will suddenly feel super easy and clear.

    Direct consequences of the formula are:

    1. If a covariable is uncorrelated with the response, it cannot contribute to the R-squared, i.e. neither improve nor worsen. This is not obvious.
    2. A correlated covariable only improves R-squared if its coefficient is non-zero. Put differently: if the effect of a covariable is already fully covered by the other covariables, it does not improve the R-squared. This is somewhat obvious.

    Note that all formulas refer to in-sample calculations.

    Since we do not want to bore you with math, we simply demonstrate the result with short R and Python codes based on the famous iris dataset.

    y <- "Sepal.Width"
    x <- c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width")
    # Scaled version of iris
    iris2 <- data.frame(scale(iris[c(y, x)]))
    # Fit model 
    fit <- lm(reformulate(x, y), data = iris2)
    summary(fit) # multiple R-squared: 0.524
    (betas <- coef(fit)[x])
    # Sepal.Length Petal.Length  Petal.Width 
    #    1.1533143   -2.3734841    0.9758767 
    # Correlations (scaling does not matter here)
    (cors <- cor(iris[, y], iris[x]))
    # Sepal.Length Petal.Length Petal.Width
    #   -0.1175698   -0.4284401  -0.3661259
    # The R-squared?
    sum(betas * cors) # 0.524
    # Import packages
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    from sklearn import datasets
    from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
    from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
    # Load data
    iris = datasets.load_iris(as_frame=True).data
    print("The data:", iris.head(3), sep = "\n")
    # Specify response
    yvar = "sepal width (cm)"
    # Correlations of everyone with response
    cors = iris.corrwith(iris[yvar]).drop(yvar)
    print("\nCorrelations:", cors, sep = "\n")
    # Prepare scaled response and covariables
    X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(iris.drop(yvar, axis=1))
    y = StandardScaler().fit_transform(iris[[yvar]])
    # Fit linear regression
    OLS = LinearRegression().fit(X, y)
    betas = OLS.coef_[0]
    print("\nScaled coefs:", betas, sep = "\n")
    # R-squared via scikit-learn: 0.524
    print(f"\nUsual R-squared:\t {OLS.score(X, y): .3f}")
    # R-squared via decomposition: 0.524
    rsquared = betas @ cors.values
    print(f"Applying the formula:\t {rsquared: .3f}")

    Indeed: the cross-product of coefficients and correlations equals the R-squared of 52%.

    The Python notebook and R code can be found at:

  • Swiss Mortality

    Lost in Translation between R and Python 3

    Hello again!

    This is the third article in our series “Lost in Translation between R and Python”. The aim of this series is to provide high-quality R and Python 3 code to achieve some non-trivial tasks. If you are to learn R, check out the R tab below. Similarly, if you are to learn Python, the Python tab will be your friend.

    Post 2:

    Before diving into the data analysis, I would like to share with you that writing this text brought back some memories from my first year as an actuary. Indeed, I started in life insurance and soon switched to non-life. While investigating mortality may be seen as a dry matter, it reveals some interesting statistical problems which have to be properly addressed before drawing conclusions.

    Similar to Post 2, we use a publicly available data, this time from the Human Mortality Database and from the Federal Statistical Office of Switzerland, in order to calculate crude death rates, i.e. number of deaths per person alive per year. This time, we look at a longer time periode of 20 and over 100 years and take all causes of death into account. We caution against any misinterpretation: We show only crude death rates (CDR) which do not take into account any demographic shifts like changing distributions of age or effects from measures taken against COVID-19.

    Let us start with producing the first figure. We fetch the data from the internet, pick some countries of interest, focus on males and females combined only, aggregate and plot. The Python version uses the visualization library altair, which can generate interactive charts. Unfortunately, we can only show a static version in the blog post. If someone knows how to render Verga-Light charts in wordpress, I’d be very interested in a secure solution.

    # Fetch data
    df_original = read_csv(
      skip = 2
    # 1. Select countries of interest and only "both" sexes
    # Note: Germany "DEUTNP" and "USA" have short time series
    # 2. Change to ISO-3166-1 ALPHA-3 codes
    # 3.Create population pro rata temporis (exposure) to ease aggregation
    df_mortality <- df_original %>% 
      filter(CountryCode %in% c("CAN", "CHE", "FRATNP", "GBRTENW", "SWE"),
             Sex == "b") %>% 
      mutate(CountryCode = recode(CountryCode, "FRATNP" = "FRA",
                                  "GBRTENW" = "England & Wales"),
             population = DTotal / RTotal,
             Year = ymd(Year, truncated = 2))
    # Data aggregation per year and country
    df <- df_mortality %>%
      group_by(Year, CountryCode) %>% 
      summarise(CDR = sum(DTotal) / sum(population), 
                .groups = "drop")
    ggplot(df, aes(x = Year, y = CDR, color = CountryCode)) +
      geom_line(size = 1) +
      ylab("Crude Death Rate per Year") +
      theme(legend.position = c(0.2, 0.8))
    import pandas as pd
    import altair as alt
    # Fetch data
    df_mortality = pd.read_csv(
    # Select countdf_mortalityf interest and only "both" sexes
    # Note: Germany "DEUTNP" and "USA" have short time series
    df_mortality = df_mortality[
        df_mortality["CountryCode"].isin(["CAN", "CHE", "FRATNP", "GBRTENW", "SWE"])
        & (df_mortality["Sex"] == "b")
    # Change to ISO-3166-1 ALPHA-3 codes
        {"FRATNP": "FRA", "GBRTENW": "England & Wales"}, inplace=True
    # Create population pro rata temporis (exposure) to ease aggregation
    df_mortality = df_mortality.assign(
        population=lambda df: df["DTotal"] / df["RTotal"]
    # Data aggregation per year and country
    df_mortality = (
        df_mortality.groupby(["Year", "CountryCode"])[["population", "DTotal"]]
        .assign(CDR=lambda x: x["DTotal"] / x["population"])
        # .filter(items=["CDR"])  # make df even smaller
        .assign(Year=lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x["Year"], format="%Y"))
    chart = (
            y=alt.Y("CDR:Q", scale=alt.Scale(zero=False)),
        .properties(title="Crude Death Rate per Year")
    Crude death rate (CDR) for Canada (CAN), Switzerland (CHE), England & Wales, France (FRA) and Sweden (SWE). Data as of 07.02.2021.

    Note that the y-axis does not start at zero. Nevertheless, we see values between 0.007 and 0.014, which is twice as large. While 2020 shows a clear raise in mortality, for some countries more dramatic than for others, the values of 2021 are still preliminary. For 2021, the data is still incomplete and the yearly CDR is based on a small observation period and hence on a smaller population pro rata temporis. On top, there might be effects from seasonality. To sum up, it means that there is a larger uncertainty for 2021 than for previous whole years.

    For Switzerland, it is also possible to collect data for over 100 years. As the code for data fetching and preparation becomes a bit lengthy, we won’t bother you with it. You can find it in the notebooks linked below. Note that we added the value of 2020 from the figure above. This seems legit as the CDR of both data sources agree within less than 1% relative error.

    Crude death rate (CDR) for Switzerland from 1901 to 2020.

    Again, note that the left y-axis does not start at zero, but the right y-axis does. One can see several interesting facts:

    • The Swiss population is and always was growing for the last 120 years—with the only exception around 1976.
    • The Spanish flu between 1918 and 1920 caused by far the largest peak in mortality in the last 120 years.
    • The second world war is not visible in the mortality in Switzerland.
    • Overall, the mortality is decreasing.

    The Python notebook and R code can be found at:

  • Covid-19 Deaths per Mio

    Lost in Translation between R and Python 2

    Hello again!

    This is the next article in our series “Lost in Translation between R and Python”. The aim of this series is to provide high-quality R and Python 3 code to achieve some non-trivial tasks. If you are to learn R, check out the R tab below. Similarly, if you are to learn Python, the Python tab will be your friend.

    Post 1:

    In Post 2, we use a publicly available data of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control to calculate Covid-19 deaths per Mio persons over time and across countries . We will use slim Python and R codes to

    • fetch the data directly from the internet,
    • prepare and restructure it for plotting and
    • plot a curve per selected country.

    Note that different countries use different definitions of whom to count as Covid-19 death and these definitions might also have changed over time. So be careful with comparisons!

    # Source and countries
    link <- ""
    countries <- c("Switzerland", "United_States_of_America", 
                   "Germany", "Sweden")
    # Import
    df0 <- read_csv(link)
    # Data prep
    df <- df0 %>%
      mutate(Date = lubridate::dmy(dateRep),
             Deaths = deaths_weekly / (popData2019 / 1e6))  %>%
      rename(Country = countriesAndTerritories) %>%
      filter(Date >= "2020-03-01",
             Country %in% countries)
    # Plot
    ggplot(df, aes(x = Date, y = Deaths, color = Country)) +
      geom_line(size = 1) +
      ylab("Weekly deaths per Mio") +
      theme(legend.position = c(0.2, 0.85))
    import pandas as pd
    # Source and countries
    url = ""
    countries = ["Switzerland", "United_States_of_America", 
                 "Germany", "Sweden"]
    # Fetch data
    df0 = pd.read_csv(url)
    # df0.head()
    # Prepare data
    df = df0.assign(
        Date=lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x["dateRep"], format="%d/%m/%Y"),
        Deaths=lambda x: x["deaths_weekly"] / x["popData2019"] * 1e6,
    ).rename(columns={"countriesAndTerritories": "Country"})
    df = df.loc[
        (df["Country"].isin(countries)) & (df["Date"] >= "2020-03-01"),
        ["Country", "Date", "Deaths"],
    df = df.pivot(index="Date", columns="Country")
    df = df.droplevel(0, axis=1)
    # Plot
    ax = df.plot()
    ax.set_ylabel('Weekly Covid-19 deaths per Mio');

    Weekly Covid-19 deaths per Mio inhabitants as per January 26, 2021 (Python output).

    The code can be found on with some other analyses regarding viruses.

  • Illustrating The Central Limit Theorem

    Lost in Translation between R and Python 1

    This is the first article in our series “Lost in Translation between R and Python”. The aim of this series is to provide high-quality R and Python 3 code to achieve some non-trivial tasks. If you are to learn R, check out the R tab below. Similarly, if you are to learn Python, the Python tab will be your friend.

    Let’s start with a little bit of statistics – it wont be the last time, friends: Illustrating the Central Limit Theorem (CLT).

    Take a sample of a random variable X with finite variance. The CLT says: No matter how “unnormally” distributed X is, its sample mean will be approximately normally distributed, at least if the sample size is not too small. This classic result is the basis to construct simple confidence intervals and hypothesis tests for the (true) mean of X, check out Wikipedia for a lot of additional information.

    The code below illustrates this famous statistical result by simulation, using a very asymmetrically distributed X, namely X = 1 with probability 0.2 and X=0 otherwise. X could represent the result of asking a randomly picked person whether he smokes. Conducting such a poll, the mean of the collected sample of such results would be a statistical estimate of the proportion of people smoking.

    Curiously, by a tiny modification, the same code will also illustrate another key result in statistics – the Law of Large Numbers: For growing sample size, the distribution of the sample mean of X contracts to the expectation E(X).

    # Fix seed, set constants
    sample_sizes <- c(1, 10, 30, 1000)
    nsims <- 10000
    # Helper function: Mean of one sample of X
    one_mean <- function(n, p = c(0.8, 0.2)) {
      mean(sample(0:1, n, replace = TRUE, prob = p))
    # one_mean(10)
    # Simulate and plot
    par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mai = rep(0.4, 4))
    for (n in sample_sizes) {
      means <- replicate(nsims, one_mean(n))
      hist(means, breaks = "FD", 
           # xlim = 0:1, # uncomment for LLN
           main = sprintf("n=%i", n))
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    %matplotlib inline
    # Fix seed, set constants
    sample_sizes = [1, 10, 30, 1000]
    nsims = 10_000
    # Helper function: Mean of one sample
    def one_mean(n, p=0.2):
        return np.random.binomial(1, p, n).mean()
    # Simulate and plot
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(8, 8))
    for i, n in enumerate(sample_sizes):
        means = [one_mean(n) for ell in range(nsims)]
        ax = axes[i // 2, i % 2]
        ax.hist(means, 50)
        ax.title.set_text(f'$n = {n}$')
        # ax.set_xlim(0, 1)  # uncomment for LLN

    Result: The Central Limit Theorem

    The larger the samples, the closer the histogram of the simulated means resembles a symmetric bell shaped curve (R-Output for illustration).

    Result: The Law of Large Number

    Fixing the x-scale illustrates – for free(!) – the Law of Large Numbers: The distribution of the mean contracts more and more to the expectation 0.2 (R-Output for illustration).

    See also the python notebook Illustrating The Central Limit Theorem.ipynb and for many great posts on R,